In general, it is found that several students experience difficulties in pronouncing the language, do not dare to speak firmly, and seem to have difficulty with the grammatical meaning of what is said. The problem is a lack of understanding of grammatical meaning and competition at his age, sometimes appearing nervous, worried, feeling shy, tense, avoiding face-to-face and anxious when communicating. The student's condition needs to be studied with the aim of finding out the extent of the difficulties they are experiencing to be used to solve the problem. There were 87 students participating in the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program at Wisnuwardhana University Malang, using a population study sampling technique. Quantitative research methods using competitive, grammatical and communication anxiety scales have been tested for validity with Moment Products, and reliability with Cronbach's Alpha, the results are valid and reliable. The results of data analysis using ANOVA show that the sig 0.161 is not significant because the result is > 0.05, meaning that communication anxiety is not only influenced by grammar and competition but can also be influenced by other aspects.