Tuberculosis is still a health problem in Indonesia. Laboratory diagnosis is an important stage so that sufferers receive immediate treatment. BTA staining is still the most frequently performed examination because it is easy, fast and effective. The gold standard for diagnosing TB is culture examination with Lowenstein Jensen media (Media LJ). Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture is relatively expensive and takes a long time, so efforts are made to provide culture media that are relatively cheaper and easier to obtain. Pulut corn media is a medium that allows the growth of most organisms. The addition of eggs and sugar to the pulut corn media is used to support more optimal growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This study aims to determine the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis colonies on pulut corn media, and to compare the number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria on pulut corn media with Lowenstein Jensen. This research method is true experimental research with a posttest only control design where there is a control group with LJ media and a test group or pulut corn media. The results of the research showed that there was growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis colonies on pulut corn media as the test group and Lowenstein media. Data analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test showed that there was a difference in the number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis colonies on steamed corn and Lowenstein Jensen, with a sig (2-tailed) probability value of 0.0001 < 0.05 where the average value of Jensen's Stein media was greater (2.73 ) in comparison to the test medium (0.8-1.2).