AbstrakTempe adalah makanan berasal dari fermentasi kedelai dengan kandungan antioksidan yang dapat menghambat radikal bebas, seperti timbal. Malondialdehid (MDA) adalah indikator adanya radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan pengaruh tempe terhadap kadar MDA Hati Mencit Jantan Putih yang dipapar Pbasetat. Penelitian telah dilakukan di laboratorium Farmasi dan Biokimia Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas pada bulan April 2015 hingga Mei 2015. Perlakuan diberikan selama 4 minggu dengan menggunakan 25 ekor mencit jantan putih yang dibagi kedalam 5 kelompok yang terdiri dari: K1 kelompok kontrol negatif; K2 kelompok kontrol positif yang diberikan Pb-asetat 40mg/kgBB/hari; P1 kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian tempe sebanyak 5 g/kgBB/hari dan induksi Pb-asetat; P2 kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian tempe sebanyak 10 g/kgBB/hari dan induksi Pb-asetat; dan P3 kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian tempe sebanyak 20 g/kgBB/hari dan induksi Pb-asetat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar MDA hati kelompok K1 sebesar 4,95 nmol/ml, K2 sebesar 7,08 nmol/ml, P1 sebesar 6,73 nmol/ml, P2 sebesar 5,32 nmol/ml, dan P3 sebesar 6,26nmol/ml. Analisis uji Anova menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan (p=0,000). Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tempe dapat menurunkan kadar MDA hati mencit yang dipapar Pb-asetat, dengan dosis tempe 10g/kgBB/hari yang mampu menurunkan kadar MDA hati bermakna secara statistik.
AbstractTempeh is an Indonesian fermented soybean which has benefits as antioxidant that prevents free radical. The free radical process itself is often triggered by chemicals such as lead content in air pollution. Malondialdehid (MDA) is the parameter to detect the free radicals. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of tempeh on MDA Hepar levels of white male Mice induced by lead acetate. This study was accomplished at study was conducted for 4 weeks using 25 white male mice which divided into 5 groups consisting of: K1 was the negative control group; K2 was positive control group; P1 was given tempeh doses of 5 g/kg/day and induced by lead acetate; P2 was given tempeh doses of 10 g/kg/day and induced by lead acetate; and P3 was given tempeh doses of 20 g/kg/day and induced by lead acetate. The result showed that the MDA hepar level of negative control group is 4.95 nmol/ml. The MDA hepar level of positive control group was 7.08 nmol/ml. The results of MDA hepar of each treatment group of P1, P2 and P3 were 6.73 nmol/ml, 5.32 nmol/ml and 6.26 nmol/ml respectively. Those result showed that there were significant differences (p<0,05). It can be conclude that the provision of tempeh affects the levels of MDA hepar in mice induced by lead acetate. The doses of tempeh that showed the optimum effect of reducing levels of MDA hepar was 10g/kg/day.