Based on current developments on how to attract consumers' interest in wanting to visit education-based tourism destinations, this study aims to determine the effect of e-wom and destination images on the revisit intention in the English village of Pare -Kediri. Because many migrants take courses from outside the region, the population in this study are course participants from outside the area with a sample determination of 100 respondents. In the data collection questionnaire and literature study are used. For testing, the data used the instrument validity and reliability analysis, followed by multiple linear regression analysis. Next, test the hypothesis and the coefficient of determination. From the testing of the instrument, the results were obtained that all questionnaire items were declared valid and reliable. Hypothesis test results show that all hypotheses were accepted, as evidenced by the calculated t value of from 4,781> 1.98 and destination image 3,379> 1.98 and the estimated f value of 26,240> 3,089. the coefficient of determination shows that revisit intention can be explained by e-wom and destination image by 35.3%.