Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan teknik dasar passing dan controlling bagi pemain di team Rea Reo Fc Kota Blitar. Penelitian ini di latar belakangi dari hasil observasi sekaligus wawancara yang di lakukan oleh peneliti pada pelatih dan pemain di team Rea Reo Fc Kota Blitar. Peneliti menemukan bahwa terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu kurang efektifnya Teknik Dasar Passing dan Controlling pada antar individu di team ini, hal itu disebabkan karena pelatih hanya menggunakan teknik dasar yang sama seperti yang dahulu, sehingga terkesan monoton daan itu – itu saja. Mengakibatkan pemain menjadi kurang bersemangat dengan desain yang lama ini. Pelaksanaan penelitian dengan model penelitian Borg and Gall. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan peneliti untuk mengumpulkan data berikut : (1) Angket Validasi Instrumen, (2) Angket Validasi Ahli Sepakbola, (3) Angket Respon Pemain . Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan individu pemain dalam Teknik DasarPassing dan Controlling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hasilpenilaian dari ahli Validitas Instrumen mendapatkan skor 80%, Ahli Sepakbola mendapatkan skor (1) 94%, (2) 90%, Angket respon pemain setelah penerapan 90%. Bedasarkan hasil observasi pelatih dan pemain saat penerapan desain latihan , juga menunjukan adanya kegiatan timbal balik yang baik antara pemain dan pelatih. Desain Latihan Teknik Dasar Passing dan Kontrol pada Sepakbola Abstract: In the implementation of this research,the aim is todevelop basic passing and controlling techniques in the Rea Rea Fc team in Blitar City. This research is based on the results of observations as well as interviews conducted by researchers on coaches and players in the Rea Reo Fc team in Blitar City. The researcher found that there were problems that occurred, namely the ineffectiveness of the Basic Passing and Controlling Techniques between individuals in this team, this was because the trainer only used the same basic techniques as before, so it seemed monotonous and that's all. Resulted in players becoming less excited with this old design. The implementation of the research using the Borg and Gall research model. The instruments used by researchers to collect the following data: (1) Instrument Validation Questionnaire, (2) Football Expert Validation Questionnaire, (3) Player Response Questionnaire. The purpose of this study is to improve the individual skills of players in Basic Passing and Controlling Techniques. The results of this study indicate that the results of the assessment of Instrument Validity experts get a score of 80%, Football Experts get a score of (1) 94%, (2) 90%, Questionnaire player responses after the application of 90%. Based on the results of observations of coaches and players when implementing the exercise design, it also shows that there is a good reciprocal activity between players and coaches.