Industry players are encouraged to automate as a result of technological advancements. However, due to lack of finances several businesses continue to require human labor in the production process, particularly in the operation of transferring items . Transportation activities at Dock 16 Ilir in Palembang City, starts with delivering items from the shop to the ship or vice versa by utilizing human strength in less ergonomic work positions with little consideration for the weight of the load. Whencarrying goods , the body is bent, the neck is bent, and the arms are distant from the body, putting the body at a very high risk of injury. This type of working position causes muscle aches ranging from mild to severe. The personnel seen in this investigation were rice transporters and cement transporters. The aim of this study is to quantify the workload and provide a design tool to help lessen worker concerns. The Nordic Body Map, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and Ovako Working Analysis System (OWAS)methodologies were used in this investigation. The study's findings showed that the five cement transport workers and four rice transport workers were at risk of developing muscoskeletal illnesses, with a risk level of 3 to 4, indicating that the risk category is very high and comprehensive treatment is required as soon as feasible. According to the OWAS technique, the posture of rice transportation employees has a value of 3, indicating that they are at high danger. Meanwhile, the working posture of cement transportation has a score of 7 with a risk level of 4, indicating that the danger of MSDS is very high. The developing aids are projected to lower the danger of Muscoskeletal Disorders in a backpack-like style that can resist large loads and reduce the risk of Muscoskeletal Disorders.