Living Qur'an and hadith studies have been dominated by social research areas, both within the scope of certain communities and the wider community. The formal education aspect still rarely touches it, both in efforts to develop education and to instill values. In fact, the "spirit" of Islamic education lies in the effort to animate the text and practice it according to the context of society through the learning process. This study analyzes the theory of Lickona's value education development as a "knife of analysis" including moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral acting in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI). This research uses a qualitative approach, a case study method with a background at MI Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta. Participants in this study were the principal, the deputy head, the coordinator of the tahfiz-tahsin al-Qur'an, the teachers of al-Qur'an hadith grades 1-3, and the students. The result from this study shows that the analysis of the living Qur'an and hadith in MI in Lickona's perspective was shown by students from early age in 3 aspects, namely, knowing, living, and doing something based on moral awareness. Thus, children do not only carry out Islamic teachings "join in", but are based on knowledge, appreciation, and practice.