After periods of high-frequency firing, the normal rhythmically active serotonin (5HT)-containing neurosecretory neurons of the lobster ventral nerve cord display a period of suppressed spike generation and reduced synaptic input that we refer to as ''autoinhibition.'' The duration of this autoinhibition is directly related to the magnitude and duration of the current injection triggering the high-frequency firing. More interesting, however, is that the autoinhibition is inversely related to the initial firing frequency of these cells within their normal range of firing (0.5-3 Hz). This allows more active 5HT neurons to resume firing after shorter durations of inhibition than cells that initially fired at slower rates. Although superfused 5HT inhibits the spontaneous firing of these cells, the persistence of autoinhibition in saline with no added calcium, in cadmium-containing saline, and in lobsters depleted of serotonin suggests that intrinsic membrane properties account for the autoinhibition. A similar autoinhibition is seen in spontaneously active octopamine neurons but is absent from spontaneously active ␥-aminobutyric acid cells. Thus, this might be a characteristic feature of amine-containing neurosecretory neurons. The 5HT cells of vertebrate brain nuclei share similarities in firing frequencies, spike shapes, and inhibition by 5HT with the lobster cells that were the focus of this study. However, the mechanism suggested to underlie autoinhibition in vertebrate neurons is that 5HT released from activated or neighboring cells acts back on inhibitory autoreceptors that are found on the dendrites and cell bodies of these neurons.Biogenic amines appear to play key roles in the regulation of a wide array of physiological processes in both vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems. They have been implicated in physiological processes and behaviors such as feeding (1), sleep (2, 3), repetitive motor acts such as locomotion (1), nociception (4), depression (5), and aggressive behavior, including the establishment of social hierarchies (6-9).In vertebrates, spontaneously active serotonergic neurons of the midline raphe nuclei are implicated in these behaviors, and these neurons have been the subject of many studies (for reviews, see refs. 10-12). These cells fire at slow rates between 0.5 and 3 Hz, depending on the state of wakefulness of the animal (1, 13-15). They generate large, approximately 60-mV, action potentials with prominent afterhyperpolarizations, which are likely to be mediated by calcium-activated potassium currents (10, 16). Both a high density of inhibitory somatodendritic type 1A 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin; 5HT 1A ) autoreceptors and the afterhyperpolarization are suggested to be important mechanisms for regulating the pacemaker activity of these cells (10, 17). Periods of high-frequency firing, experimentally evoked by electrical stimulation, are followed by a ''postactivation inhibition'' during which no action potentials are generated. The duration of the period of suppressed sp...