A novel, dual edge-shaped frequency reconfigurable antenna with a highly compact size is proposed, using microstrip line-based inset-feed mechanism. Proposed antenna uses cost-effective ROGER substrate of 0.787 mm thickness.
The tuning reconfigurability has been achieved using two PIN diode switches, placed on the patch surface. The On-Off switching combinations of the PIN diodes provide variations in the current distribution and thereby altering the resonant frequencies. The proposed antenna offers the resonating spectrum in the range of 3 GHz to 9 GHz approximately, with maximum tuning efficiency of 43 % at 6.5 GHz, covering majority of modern RF standards. The proposed patch antenna design radiates with a reasonably high gain of 2.3 dBi at 5.04 GHz, with effective bandwidth of 2800 MHz (maximum at 6.5 GHz). The proposed multiband antenna with radome structure (ABS material) has been investigated under high-frequency simulation environment of HPEEsof (ADS-Keysight Technologies) and 3d radiation pattern (far-field gain, directivity and power calculations) have been obtained using momentum and EMDS. The final implementation size (without radome structure) comes as 23 mm X 26 mm large (595 mm 2 ). The proposed design paves the way for wireless applications including WLAN and WiMAX communication with its uniform far-field radiation pattern.