The sphere of scientific interests of Doctor habil. in Law, Professor V.S. Ishigeyev is a reflection of multiversity and remarkability of his personality and is determined both by the previous and currently implemented experience of practical law enforcement activity. Criminal behavior countermeasure as an aggregate of multi-aspect measures of criminal and criminological, in particular, policy is regarded by him through the measures of penitentiary prevention, criminalistics and criminal-legal support of their efficiency. Establishment of the professors scientific sphere was connected with criminalistic works and thesis research which became a deflection of his successful work in the interior affairs bodies and his academic activity in the Chair of Criminal and Legal Disciplines of Irkutsk Branch of Khabarovsk Law Enforcement Academy (now East-Siberian Institute of Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Russian Federation). The further scientific studies were connected with problems of penitentiary criminality and measures of it prevention. The thesis research, prepared in the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology of Baikal State University and devoted to these problems, allowed to develop understanding of the criminal-penitentiary prevention and criminal-penitentiary legislation. V.S. Ishigeyev is an active advocate of developing the teaching of professional criminality and its topical manifestations, the theory and practice of qualification of separate types of crimes and criminal punishment. Being the author of seven monographs, eight study letters, and more than 50 scientific articles of the criminal and legal cycle, Professor Ishigeyev is successfully lending his knowledge and experience, including his practical activities, to his followers, 16 Ph.D. theses were defended under his scientific supervision. At the same time, the Professor is an author of two literary works tht reflect the experience of his advocacy activity.