In Parts I 1 and II 2 of this paper, it has been shown that both undoped and boron/phosphorus-doped germanosilicate thin films can be planarized over structures at significantly lower temperatures than other glasses, such as borophosphosilicate glass. However, variations in several film properties based on composition, such as water solubility, electrical leakage, and mechanical stress, must also be addressed. For instance, it is well known that germanium dioxide and germanosilicates rich in germanium oxide are water soluble. 3-6 Germanium dioxide is also reported to have high leakage currents when functioning as an insulator. 7-10 Mechanical stress is also an issue, since the thermal coefficient of expansion (TCE) of GeO 2 is greater than that of silicon, 11,12 while the TCE of SiO 2 is less than that of silicon. 13 Therefore, changes in the germanosilicate composition may have a profound effect on stress, or at least on the extrinsic (thermal expansion) component of stress.This paper examines the water solubility, electrical leakage, breakdown characteristics, and the mechanical stress of both the undoped and boron/phosphorus-doped germanosilicate glasses in both the as-deposited and the argon annealed states. Moreover, these properties are to be examined following the "composition changing" forming gas and steam anneals, as discussed in Parts I and II, to ascertain the benefits or disadvantages incurred by the forming gas, steam, or argon-steam two-step processes.
ExperimentalSample preparation.-Germanosilicate films were deposited on single-crystal silicon substrates by the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method reported elsewhere. 14 Following deposition, reflow experiments were conducted in either argon, steam, forming gas, or a two-step process with argon and either steam or forming gas. These experiments were all conducted at atmospheric pressure. Temperatures for argon treatments ranged from 550 to 1050ЊC. Steam treatments were conducted with stoichiometric combinations of hydrogen and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio as well as with 10% excess oxygen. Excess oxygen was used to consume any excess hydrogen in the steam pyrolysis reaction. Steam treatments were limited to temperatures at and above 750ЊC to ensure complete combustion of the hydrogen/oxygen mixtures. Experiments were actually performed at both 750 and 800ЊC. Forming gas experiments were conducted with 3.4, 8.9, and 9.6% H 2 with the balance being N 2 . Various percentages of hydrogen were used to study the effects of different partial pressures of hydrogen on the films during the anneals. Forming gas reflow experiments were also performed at 750 and 800ЊC for direct comparison with the steam treatment results.Samples for water solubility tests were cleaved into 1 ϫ 1 cm dies prior to thermal treatments. Wafers for electrical testing were left whole in the undoped experiments, but they were cleaved into quarters prior to thermal treatment in the doped experiments. Stress measurement wafers were left intact, as required by the stress me...