“…In (Dobzinski, Lavi, and Nisan 2008) the authors design an incentive compatible, individually rational and Pareto-efficient auction for budget constrained utility functions. Their auction has been extended in multiple directions: (Bhattacharya et al 2010) show how to elicit budgets truthfully, (Fiat et al 2011;Colini-Baldeschi et al 2012) generalize the clinching to matching markets and (Goel, Mirrokni, and Paes Leme 2012) to general polymatroidal environments and (Goel, Mirrokni, and Paes Leme 2013) shows that the clinching auction allows for an online implementation. Closely related to this work is (Goel, Mirrokni, and Leme 2014) which designs Pareto-efficient auctions where agents have constrained quasi-linear utilities, which mean that a certain admissible set A i and −∞ otherwise.…”