i a v i TPeABr TPeAF TPeABr Figure 8. Effect of eluent anion on the separation of swlfas and aminobenzloic acids on PRP-1 in the presence of TPeA'. The mobile phase conditions are 1 3 CH,CN:H,O, 1.00 X M TPeABr or TPeAF, 1 .OO X M NaOH at a flow rate of 1 .OO mUmin, V o = 1.23 mL.the absence of TPeA+ no retention of the mixture is obtained.If the mobile phase pH is reduced to 7.2, the three hydroxybenzoic acids (diprotic acids which are doubly charged at pH 11) are only singly charged and the retention order with improved resolution becomes p-hydroxybenzoic acid < mhydroxybenzoic acid < benzoic acid < phenol < o-hydroxybenzoic acid.Equation 11 is not restricted only to retention of organic anionic aiialytesi. Since the major equilibrium constant influencing retention represents anion selectivity, it should also be possible to separate inorganic anions on PRP-1 in the presence of R4Nt salts. Not only do the experimental results fit the model but many useful inorganic anion separations are possible, even at, trace levels. These studies will be reported in detail in a subsequent report.