The current paper has presented the study results of the effect of weediness with common wild oat and sow-thistle on spring wheat productivity through 2012–2015. The purpose of the work was to find out the effect of weediness with common wild oat and sow-thistle in the forest-steppe of the middle Volga region. Using common wild oats, the trials were carried out according to the following scheme: 1) without weeds (control); 2) 10–15 common wild oat stalks per 1 m2 ; 3) 20–30 stalks per 1 m2 ; 4) 50–70 stalks per 1 m2 ; 5) 100–120 stalks per 1 m2 ; 6) 150–200 stalks per 1 m2 . Using sow-thistle the scheme was as follows: 1) without weeds (control); 2) 1 sow-thistle plant per 1 m2 ; 3) 2 plants per 1 m2 ; 4) 4 plants per 1 m2 ; 5) 6 plants per 1 m2 ; 6) 8 plants per 1 m2 . There was found that weediness with 26 common wild oat stalks per 1 m2 reduced productivity of 1 ha on 18% through four years, weediness with 62 stalks reduced it on 24%, with 115 on 38% and with 185 on 44%. Weediness with 26 common wild oat stalks per 1 m2 decreased spring wheat productivity on 0.33 t/ha in 2012, on 0.56 t/ha in 2013, on 0.94 and 0.68 t/ha in 2014 and 2015. Weediness with 185 stalks per 1 m2 decreased spring wheat productivity on 1.18 and 0.95 t/ha in 2012 and 2013, on 2.10 and 1.91 t/ha in 2014 and 2015. In arid years of 2014 and 2015, productivity shortfall caused by weeds increased. In the trials on the effect of sow-thistle on spring wheat productivity, on average, through four years of study, one weed reduced it on 8%, two weeds on 11%, four weeds on 19%, six weeds on 21% and eight weeds on 24%. On average, through four years, Зерновое хозяйство России № 1(79)’ 2022 71 13 common wild oat stalks per 1 m2 reduced the density of spring wheat on 9%, 26 stalks reduced it on 10%, 62 stalks reduced it on by 17%, and 185 stalks reduced it on 31%. At the same time, the number of productive stalks decreased on 2, 15, 22, and 40%, respectively, and kernel percentage of a head decreased on 4, 13, 16, and 23%. Weediness with two sow-thistle plants per 1 m2 reduced the number of spring wheat plants on 9%, four plants per 1 m2 reduced it on 15, six plants per 1 m2 reduced it on 18%, eight plants per 1 m2 reduced it on 21%. The number of productive stems decreased on 16, 20, 21 and 25%, respectively. Grain loss per stem caused by common wild oats was 16.2, grain loss caused by sow-thistle was 175 kg/ha.