The PISA report on science literacy skills in 2015 shows the position of Indonesian students in the 61st rank of 69 participating countries. Eventhough it has increased from its previous achievements in 2012, but Indonesian students are still lagging behind other students, especially in Southeast Asia. In catching up with this lag, the teacher has an important role to train students' literacy skills, therefore a prospective teacher must be able to literate science. This study aims to examine the application of STL (Science Technology Literacy) learning to science literacy skills of prospective elementary school teachers. The research method used was preexperiment with the design of the one group pretest-posttest design. Research subjects were 33 prospective elementary school teachers in Sukabumi City. The calculation results from pre test and test post scores obtained N gain value of 0.43, after the statistical test using the t test results, it is obtained that Ho is rejected (asymp. Sig p-value = 0.00 <0.05) means that there is a significant effect of the application of STL learning towards science literacy skills of prospective elementary school teachers. Student attitudes obtained in indicator 1) support science inquiry (80.18%, good category) 2) responsible for natural resources and environment (77.02%, good category), and 3) indicators of interest in science (62.88%, good enough category). The conclusion of this study shows that practicing scientific literacy is suggested to start from elementary school teachers with learning methods / models / strategies based on science, technology, and literacy.