Plant production in Poland is growing dynamically, which is an effect of natural, economic and social factors. A measurable effect of this is a change in the area of cultivations, yields, and in the amounts of harvested crops. Based on the data published by Statistics Poland, it has been demonstrated that in the period of 2010-2019 there has been an increase of the area of wheat cultivation in Poland, while the area of cultivation of barley, triticale and oilseed rape remained at a stable level. There was a slight decrease in the area of cultivation of rye, cereal mixes and potato, and a slight increase in the case of sugar beet. In the analysed years, the yields of crop plants in Poland were at a stable level. There was only a slight increase of yields of sugar beet and oilseed rape, and a small decrease of yields of cereal mixes. In the ten-year period under analysis no distinct changes were noted in the amount of harvested crops in the country. In the case of sugar beet there was a slight increase, and in the case of cereal mixes a more pronounced decrease in the harvest volume.K e y w o r d s: area of cultivation, yields, harvest volume, plant production, Poland