This paper examines the idea of adding the authority of the Constitutional Court of Republic Indonesia to examine draft laws against the constitution of the basic law with a mechanism called judicial preview. This paper aims to examine the involvement of the judiciary, in this case the Constitutional Court, in the law-making process. This paper is a measure of the involvement of the Constitutional Court in the expansion of authority by examining the constitution against the draft law. The type of research used is library research in the form of normative research using statutory, conceptual, and comparative approaches. The research results obtained found that the existence of the Constitutional Court as the sole interpreter of the constitution shows that the involvement of the Constitutional Court in the law-making process has the potential to improve the quality and constitutionality of the draft law. In terms of functions and main tasks, the Constitutional Court can participate in the law-making process. The Constitutional Court is actually present as a judiciary activism that bases its function as a counter-majoritarian. Therefore, efforts to improve the principle of constitutional supremacy can be realized through input for future improvements.
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