“…Key: n-mod = mod ulation doped with donor impurities, n-doped = sample was uniformly doped with donor impurities, T = the lattice temperature of the sample, FEL = free electron laser, PV = Photovoltage measurement, PL = Photoluminecence mea surement, CW = Continous Wave, VIS implies interband excitation, whilst IR implies intersubband excitation, MC = Monte-Carlo calculation performed using experimental data, At = pulse-width of laser pulse and /0 = intensity of laser. Time resolved pump-probe spectroscopy: Pump-probe absorption (trans mission) spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum-wells has been conducted using parametric IR-generation [125,3,148,149,7,103,206], far-IR-free electron lasers [162,86,163,195] and inter-band optical excitation [94]. In these experiments the "pump" pulse creates a population of excited carriers, whilst a much weaker "probe" pulse measures the absorption (transmission).…”