The synthesis of sarcinaxanthin ((2R,6R,2'R,6R)-1), a symmetrical C,,-carotenoid with two y-end groups, isolated from Surcina lutea and from Ce//ulomonus biazotea as major pigment, was based on the strategy C,, + C,, + C,, = C,, using camphoric acid as starting material for the C,,-end group 3. The key step of the synthesis is a ring enlargement of the cyclopentane derivative 10 with 2,4,4,6-tetrabromocyclohexa-2,5-dien-l-one (TBCO) to give the cyclohexane derivative 11 (Scheme f). The spectroscopic data of the synthetic compound are in full agreement with the data of the isolated product and give the final proof for the (2R,6R,2'R,6'R) chirality of natural sarcinaxanthin.