The complementary feeding national programme (PNAC) delivers 2 kg-month of dried full-fat cow's milk I.LP) to 0-1 year old infants. The ourpose of this work was to design, produce and evaluate nutrient stability and shelf life of a modified LP milk formula (LPM), which seems nutritionally more adequate for infants and is of s'milar cost than LP, to be included into the PNAC. LPM has the following attributes: P% 12.0 (LP 21.8%): casein/whey proteins rat'o: 40 to 50/60 to 50 (LP 80/20); more digestible fats; essential fatty acids: > 4% of total calories; vitamins and minerals which cover 100% daily requirements ; or 0 to 6 months old infants; prote ; n and energy can be modulated between 1,5 and 2.25 g/100 ml and 50-75 kcal/100 ml respectively, forty tons of LPM were produced in accordance with our specifications for a field study, Quality controls on the product showed the production feasibility of such a formula at a lower price than LP. To determine shelf life, periodical analysis of peroxides, available lyslne, ascorbic ac:d and linoleic acid were carried out in LPM stored for 1 year at 20°C and 37°C. It was found that LPM has an optimum shelf life of 7 months when packed in the same material that is now being ; n use for LP. Its is suggested that 3 kg-month of LPM could be delivered if the product is to be included into the PNAC, because in comparison with 2 kg-month of LP, this would mean an adequate protein supply, a 50% increase in energy supo'V and an additional cost of only 20%. (Key words: infant formula, design, shelf life, quality control).El Ministerio de Salud de Chile, a traves del "Programa Nacional de Alimentacion Complementaria" (PNAC) entrega 2 kg por mes de leche entera de vaca en polvo (LP) a los ninos de 0 a 1 afio.La LP reconstituida a 10% aporta 2,7 g protemas/100 ml, que equivalen a 5,45 g protemas/ 100 kcal, muy por encima de las recomendaciones para nifios de esta edad, que son entre 1,2 y 1,9 g protemas/100 ml y 1,8 a 2,8 g proteinas/100 kcal 1 . El aporte de protemas, expresado como porcentaje de las calorfas (P%), es considerablernente mayor para la leche de vaca (P% 21,8) que para la leche materna (P% 6,6), mientras las recomendaciones sugieren P% maximo de ll^1. El exceso de protein as es potencialmente peligroso, ya que puede provocar aumento de amonio, aminoacidos y urea en la sangre, lo que contribuye a aunientar la carga osmotica renal. La entrega de 2 kg de LP a los Institute de Nutricion y Tecnologia de los AJimentos, INTA, Universidad de Chile. ninos de 0 a 12 meses significa ofrecerles, en promedio, 17,98 g proteinas-dia, que. segun tablas de cobertura del Ministerio de Salud, sobrepasan los requerimientos proteicos diarios en rangos de 126% a 233% 2 . mientras la cantidad de energi'a entregada (330 kcal-dia) cubre, segiin las mismas tablas, entre 38,5% y 68,0% de los requerimientos diarios para ninos de 6 a 11 y 0 a 2 meses. respectivamente 2 . El exceso de protemas obliga a diluir la leche para los lactantes menores, en muchos casos a 7 u 8% en vez de 10%, lo que implica ...