Abstract-This paper presents the implementation on FPGA of an speaker verification system. The algorithm is executed by software over an embedded system that includes a MicroBlaze microprocessor connected to a Vector Floating-Point Unit (VFPU). The VFPU is designed to speed up the resolution of any vector floating-point operation involved in the verification algorithm, whereas the microprocessor manages the control of the process and executes the rest of operations. With a clock frequency of 40 MHz, the system is capable of executing in realtime the complete algorithm, processing a voice frame in 9.1 ms. The same verification process was carried out over two different systems: an ARM Cortex A8 microprocessor and configuring MicroBlaze with the scalar Floating-Point Unit provided by Xilinx. Experimental results show that when comparing our proposal against both systems, the number of clock cycles is reduced by a factor of x11.2 and x15.4, respectively. The main advantage provided by the VPFU is its flexibility, which allows quickly adapting the software to the potential changes produced in both the system and the user requirements. The algorithm was tested over a public database, which contains utterances of different users acquired under different environmental conditions, providing good recognition rates.