The non-resonant and resonant third-order nonlinear optical response of a charge-transfer salt (NBu 4 ) 2 ½ZnðdmitÞ 2 ] (dmit¼2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolate) are investigated using the Z-scan technique with 38 ps laser pulse duration at the fundamental wavelength 1064 nm and half-wavelength 532 nm. Under 532 nm excitation, the solution exhibits strong saturable absorption (SA) with a nonlinear absorption coefficient ¼ À2:94 cm GW À1 and a negative third-order nonlinear refractive index attributed to self-defocusing, which is contrary to that under 1064 nm excitation. For the resonance factor, calculated as 32.2, the third-order nonlinear refractive index under the same experimental conditions is enhanced 10 2 times as compared to that under 1064 nm excitation. The molecular second hyperpolarizabilities ¼532nm ¼ À3:77 Â 10 À30 (esu) and ¼1064nm ¼ 1:18 Â 10 À32 (esu) are obtained from the experimental calculated results.