Numerical aNd experimeNtal aNalysis of the progressive gear body with the use of fiNite-elemeNt method badaNia NumeryczNe i doświadczalNe koNstrukcji chwytacza progresywNego z wykorzystaNiem metody elemeNtów skończoNych*
IntroductionPassenger and freight lifts are commonly used devices for vertical transport both in public buildings and residential buildings. The universality of this type of construction dictates sanctioned meet the stringent requirements of the building regulations of safety, imposing a strict manner of operation. The basic components of these devices include braking systems, to ensure proper functionality, and above all, the safety of the structure. Despite the high demands placed on these types of devices the current state of the literature on the issues of the construction and operation of the braking and progressive safety gear is not exhaustive. Issues presented in the literature relate to two main lines of research -issues and issues of dynamic load-bearing components of strength. Lifting dynamics issues dealt with, among others, Taplak [16] and Filas and Mudro [6]. In [16], the authors present the issues associated with the use of neural networks to analyze the vibration of the lift, as a result of variable mass of the traffic load. Used neural networks have been used by the authors to assess symptoms of vibration, which show that the failure of the lift or the entire device. The authors of reference [6] described the use of methods reduce the problem of the evaluation of the dynamics of the crane. In their analysis of the lift cab model reduced to a flat system with one vertical degree of freedom. The presented methodology for reducing the authors used to describe a specific mechanism cargo lift, defining the problem mathematically. In addition made an assessment of the lift operating parameters and their effect on the characteristics of the acceleration of the entire system. Issues related to the dynamics of the braking system of the lift, the analysis of the materials and construction of the progressive gears are further discussed in publications [9,10,11,12,13]. The authors of these studies focused mainly their attention on the analysis of the brake system, compare the construction and operation of the progressive gears European producers to the newly developed solution.Lonkwic P, Różyło P, Dębski H. numerical and experimental analysis of the progressive gear body with the use of finite-element method. Eksploatacja i niezawodnosc -Maintenance and Reliability 2015; 17 (4): 544-550, http://dx