The high-temperature stability of MIS devices based on lanthanum silicate having sub-nm (0.6 -0.7 nm) EOT values are reported. After a 1000°C, 10 s RTA treatment, devices with Ta gate metal undergo an EOT increase to 1.57 nm or higher, while devices having TaN as the gate electrode retain an EOT as low as 1.12 nm. An EOT under 1.0 nm is achieved if the 1000°C RTA is reduced to 5 s, with a corresponding gate leakage of 0.1 A/cm 2 . Medium energy ion scattering and X-ray diffraction analysis reveal that the Ta gate metal undergoes a phase change and reaction above 800°C, while for TaN no change in the XRD spectrum is detected. Interface state defect densities and leakage currents are reduced after the high temperature processing. Results reveal the importance of the entire gate stack design and processing in obtaining good device properties.
INTRODUCTIONLanthanum silicate holds potential as a high-K gate dielectric for advanced MOSFET devices due to its properties of good dielectric constant (~16-18) 1 and an expected large band offset with respect to Si, based on that of La 2 O 3 (~2.3 eV). 2 Lanthanum silicate is known to be much less reactive with the ambient environment than lanthana, 3 and has a higher temperature stability of the amorphous phase than lanthana. 1 The reactivity of lanthana with silica to produce a silicate 4,5 provides a means of eliminating interface silica from metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices, thus offering a pathway towards achieving ~0.5 nm equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) devices under controlled processing conditions. 6 Reports of sub-nm EOT MIS devices fabricated with lanthana or lanthanum silicate typically utilize gate electrodes such as Al or Au, 7,8 which can not withstand high temperatures. Standard MOSFET device processing flows require the gate stack to be stable after an implant-activation rapid thermal anneal (RTA), at temperatures as high as 1000°C. Thus it is important to optimize the entire gate stack in terms of material compatibility and processing.To better understand the issues concerning the thermal stability of lanthanum silicate dielectrics on Si, we have investigated the properties of sub-nm EOT MIS devices having either Ta or TaN gate electrodes, in an attempt to distinguish Si-dielectric reaction effects from dielectric-electrode reactions. Tantalum has several properties making it useful as a gate electrode for the study of high-κ gate dielectrics subject to high-temperature device ECS Transactions, 1 (5) 227-238 (2006) 10.1149/1.2209272, copyright The Electrochemical Society 227 ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-06-04 to IP 228processing conditions; simplicity in processing, being an element rather than an alloy, a high melting point, thermodynamic stability (against oxide formation) in contact with lanthana, 9 a favorable work function for NMOS devices (~4.2 eV), 10 and the fact it can be effectively etched using plasma processin...