Peer-to-peer service sharing might allow for unmediated, almost instantaneous inter-firm collaboration, yet robust reputation management techniques are strongly required to withstand fraudulent actions of malicious peers. In this paper we illustrate a distributed reputation management system for service-oriented peer-to-peer networks, called SAFE, which exploits voting and effectively copes with trust misrepresentation attempts. Simulation results show that SAFE allows peers to select high-quality services, even when a large extent of malicious providers and advisors are active in the community. from Universit degli Studi di Parma (Italy). Currently, he is Research Associate at the same university. His research focuses on modeling and simulation of large-scale distributed systems, in particular those based on the peer-to-peer paradigm, complex adaptive systems and autonomic computing, design and development of service-oriented architectures, as well as wireless sensor networks. He has published over 80 technical papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings.Francesco Zanichelli received the Dr. Eng degree (Master) in Electronic Engineering at the University of Bologna and the Ph.D. degree in Information Technologies at the University of Parma. He is currently an Aggregate Professor with the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Parma, where he is teaching the Operating Systems course. After several years devoted to the study of intelligent robotics and robot programming, current research interests of Francesco Zanichelli include service-oriented peer-to-peer systems and middleware, as well as distributed multimedia architectures and protocols, including security and Quality of Service.In this work, we illustrate a Distributed RMS (DRMS) for service-oriented P2P networks, called Service Advisors For E-business (SAFE), that effectively