of different semiconductors are found to show much improved
electronic conductivity and decreased charge transfer resistance.
In this work, this hypothesis is tested by preparing composite heterostructures
of chemically and structurally dissimilar and wide-bandgap semiconductors,
titania (TiO2) and zirconia (ZrO2). Herein,
the underpotential hydrogen generation ability of the composite nanoparticles
is studied for the first time. The dissimilarity in coordination can
create charge imbalance once the composite of these two materials
is formed, which in turn can increase the surface acidity and the
active sites for proton adsorption as proved through various analytical
techniques. The composite of separately incompetent hydrogen evolution
reaction (HER) catalysts shows improved HER activity due to improved
charge transfer between the composite catalyst and reactant caused
by the generation of the new electronic states. To improve the electronic
conduction, we have performed the reduction of TiO2/ZrO2 binary metal oxide composite, which results in oxygen vacancies
in the composite. The reduced counterpart of the composite is found
to possess semimetallic properties and shows outstanding high stability
and 7 times increase in HER current density at −0.6 V along
with a very small overpotential of only ∼160 mV penalty to
have a HER current density of 10 mA/cm2.