We present the theory and measurements of the amplitude noise spectrum from a semiconductor laser with weak optical feedback (Pfb/Pout 10-6) from an external cavity containing an element of dispersive loss. The laser noise is found to be reduced over most of the low-frequency spectrum, although an increase in the noise is observed at frequencies corresponding to multiples of the external-cavity free spectral range. The low-frequency noise reduction closely follows theoretical predictions, and a reduction of as much as 7 dB is measured at an injection current of 1.5 times the threshold current. The potential of this method for contributing to the production of amplitude-squeezed light is discussed.The effects of optical feedback on the dynamic and noise properties of semiconductor lasers have been under investigation for some time.' Large reductions in the laser linewidth have been obtained by taking advantage of the correlation between the amplitude and phase noise caused by phase-toamplitude coupling in semiconductor lasers. 2 3 Under different conditions this correlation can also be used to reduce the laser amplitude noise.' Although amplitude noise reduction by use of weak optical feedback has been both predicted 4 and observed, 2 a thorough understanding of this subject is still lacking. It has been reported 5 that optical feedback tends to increase the noise rather than reduce it, and the conditions under which noise reduction is possible remain unclear. The goal of this Letter is to provide a comparison of experimental results with the theory of amplitude noise reduction by use of optical feedback and to investigate this phenomenon in some detail.In the modeling of the amplitude noise of a semiconductor laser above threshold it is necessary to start from quantum-mechanical rate equations. We follow the Langevin equation approach 6 7 but include in the field equation a term that represents feedback from an external cavity.' We permit this feedback term to describe a dispersive element (such as an atomic vapor) that may be present in the cavity.The equations of motion for the slowly varying Heisenberg operators for the internal field A(t), carrier density NC(t), and external field P(t) are written asLTP,(2)where 7rp is the total photon lifetime, 7pe is the photon lifetime that is due to facet losses only, AL is the lasing frequency, coo is the cold semiconductor cavity resonant frequency, ,tt is the nonresonant refractive index, X is the resonant optical susceptibility, P is the pump rate, and 1rp is the spontaneous emission carrier lifetime. Langevin noise operators 6(t), &(t), and fe(t), respectively, correspond to dipole moment fluctuations, internal optical losses, and incident vacuum fluctuations. rp(t), r 8 ,(t), and F(t), respectively, correspond to pump noise, carrier noise that is due to spontaneous emission into nonlasing modes, and dipole moment fluctuations. The correlation relations for these noise operators are identical to those given in Ref.7. The last term in Eq. (1) is the feedback term, wh...