“…Masyarakat Sunda di Pangandaran tentu memiliki seni yang khas dan berkarakter. Seni tersebut meliputi seni rupa (gambar, patung, tekstil, dan keramik), seni pertunjukan (musik, tari, dan teater), seni sastra (prosa dan puisi, lisan dan tertulis), dan seni media rekam (Emilda, Rohaeni, & Listiani, 2016;Marpaung, 2013;Ratih & Sondarika, 2017;Suhaeti, 2019)which consists of several islands. So called archipelago that has outstanding cultural richness and are not owned by another country, one of the Indonesian national pride by having a diversity of ethnic, tribal customs that have high values inherited by our ancestors to be conserved and have value quite high as a tool to build character as a nation and is the capital of local wisdom very proud of each region through provincial and district/ city in the archipelago along still recognized and not contrary to the values of national wisdom that the values of pancasila .…”