thick C 60 acceptor layer, and an EBL consisting of either BCP (see Fig. 4, structure) or Ru(acac) 3 (see Fig. 5, structure). Finally, a 1000 Å thick Ag cathode was evaporated through a shadow mask with 1 mm diameter openings.The J-V characteristics were measured in the dark and under simulated AM 1.5G solar illumination (Oriel Instruments) using an 4155B semiconductor parameter analyzer (Hewlett-Packard). Illumination intensity was measured using a calibrated broadband optical power meter. Photocurrent spectra were recorded using a monochromatic beam of variable-wavelength light from an Oriel Instruments quartz tungsten-halogen lamp and chopped at 400 Hz. The monochromatic light was calibrated using a Si photodetector, and photocurrent was measured using a lock-in amplifier referenced to the chopper frequency. Absorption spectra were measured on quartz substrates using a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 800 UV/vis spectrometer referenced to clean quartz substrates to cancel out absorption losses in the quartz. The Ru(acac) 3 hole (electron) conductivity was measured for ohmic devices consisting of a 2000 Å thick Ru(acac) 3 layer in between Au (Ag) contacts. Organic materials studied by UPS were grown by ultrahigh-vacuum organic molecular beam deposition [15] on highly doped n-Si(100) substrates coated with 500 Å thick in-situ-deposited Ag layers. HeI emission (21.22 eV) from a VG UPS/2 lamp (Thermo VG Scientific) was used as a photon source, and the spectra were collected with a multichannel hemispherical VG CLAM4 electron-energy analyzer. The UPS measurement resolution [13] [1][2][3] in order to produce colloidal patterns that fulfill the requirements of order and generic design. One method makes use of topographical templates, made of silicon [4] or a polymer, [5] to confine non-functionalized particles within the pattern. Pattern confinement has been used, for instance, to obtain special nanoparticle arrangements, [6][7][8] to control lattice and superlattice symmetry, [9][10][11] and to pattern multilayers of particles on both large [12] and small scales.[5] Another method employs self-assembled monolayer (SAM) templates to fabricate chemically patterned substrates. SAMs introduce differences in wettability [13,14] or electrostatic charge [15,16] to direct the particles to the intended areas. For this purpose, microcontact printing (lCP) [16] and scanning probe lithography (SPL) [17] have been used to chemically modify substrates on both large and small scales. Hammond and co-workers [18,19] have shown an alternative to these methods that creates a combination of chemical and topographical patterns by printing polyelectrolyte multilayers which then direct the positioning of particles. Patterns obtained using any of these methods can potentially be used for photonic-bandgap devices, [20][21][22] ionic and biological sensors on surfaces, [23] molecular recognition, [24,25] single-electron transistors, [26] and high-density data-storage systems.[27]Nanoparticles have been attached to substrates using immersion in a s...