AIMSTo study the role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis, followup, resolution and percutaneous interventions of amoebic liver abscesses.
METHODOLOGY25 patients with 38 amoebic liver abscesses were included in this study. The diagnostic criteria being compatible history, tender and enlarged liver, radiological and ultrasound findings and response to metronidazole therapy. Confirmed cases of amoebic liver abscesses were followed up by ultrasonography till complete resolution.
RESULTSThe highest incidence of age was seen between 3 rd and 5 th decades (84%) with a male sex incidence of 92%, disease preponderance in people belonging to low socioeconomic group and a high incidence among alcoholics. The radiological findings were: Elevation of right dome of diaphragm (56%), restricted diaphragmatic movements (88%), right basal lung changes (48%), right pleural effusion (12%), and indistinct hazy diaphragmatic contour (40%). The ultrasonographic findings were: 87% of the abscesses were located in right lobe, 11% in left lobe and 2% in both lobes. Among the 25 patients, 76% showed solitary and 24% showed multiple abscesses. Of the 38 amoebic abscesses, 79% were hypoechoic, 13% were hyperechoic and 8% were anechoic. 11 patients were subjected for ultrasound-guided aspiration.
CONCLUSIONUltrasound is a safe, reliable and non-invasive imaging modality for the diagnosis, followup and percutaneous interventions of amoebic liver abscesses. The sonographic resolution time of amoebic liver abscesses varies from 28 to 286 days.