To study the distribution of relaxed surrounding rock pressure on the shallow bias neighborhood tunnels under the combined action of horizontal and vertical earthquake force, finite element software was used for failure mode analysis. Moreover, with the pseudo-static method, the calculation formula for the relaxed pressure on the shallow bias neighborhood tunnels was derived and used to analyze the variation of the rupture angle of these tunnels under the action of the seismic force. The study shows that: shallow bias neighborhood tunnels basically follow a “W” failure pattern under the combined action of horizontal and vertical seismic force, and the failure scope of the surrounding rock is controlled by four rupture angles. Rupture angles β2 and β3 between the deep and shallow tunnels of the shallow bias neighborhood tunnels are not affected by the surface slope. For tunnels with the same grade of the surrounding rock, the greater the seismic intensity, the smaller the value of β2, and the greater the value of β3. While at the same seismic intensity, the higher the grade of the surrounding rock, the smaller the β2 and β3. Ruptures angles β1 and β4 are influenced by the surface slope, seismic intensity and surrounding rock grades. A steeper surface slope leads to a smaller β1 and a greater β4; β1 increase and β4 decrease with increasing seismic intensity; while, β1 and β4 both show a decreasing trend with an increasing rock grade.