1IntroductionEnergetic materials pose ad anger of unintentionali nitiation causing fatalities and damage whileh andling and processing. It is therefore not surprising that efficient desensitization practices ares till activelyp erused. In principle several mitigationm ethods are available when aimingt owards explosive desensitization:( 1) improving crystalq uality [1];( 2) decreasingc rystals ize [2];( 3) coating with an inert material [3] or another insensitive explosive[ 4];( 4) stabilizingt he energetic material using specific host-guest interactions [5];a nd (5) simple dilution with inert materials.An example of such am ethod is the premixingo ft he highly sensitive explosive-filler hexanitrohexaazaisowurzitane (HNIW,a lso knowna sC L-20) with 1-10 %p lasticizer prior to introduction to the elastomer during PBX manufacture [6].T his is reported to lowert he friction sensitivity of the explosive by 230-350 %a ccording to the plasticizer chosen.Improvised explosives, especially poly-peroxide explosives triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and hexamethylenet riperoxide diamine (HMTD) raise the question of sensitivity to higherl evels [7].N ot only these materials are amongt he easiest to make, they are in comparisont os econdary military explosives RDX and HMX, much more sensitive in terms of their responset of riction, impact, or thermal insults [8].A dditionals ensitivity stemsf rom their impromptu production nature. For instance, improper washingo rn eutralizationo fr esidual acidsm akes these already highly sensitive materials even more sensitive and prone to unexpected violentdecomposition [8].Means for safe handling of peroxides were developed as part of safetyp ractices in industrial processes where perox-ide are used as initiators in radical polymerization [9].A n attempt to lower the sensitivity of TATP and HMTD by sprayingw ith commercial WD-40 oil [10] was reported, but the friction sensitivity at even > 50 %o il was still high. When considering clearing peroxide in large quantities, material destruction is not as imple or as afe option. Destruction by thermolysisi nahigh boiling solvent [11] or reduction using nanometric molybdenum hydrogen bronze [12] is only possible in small quantities. Direct destruction using strong acidsi sn ot applicable even in gram quantities, since the material detonates at this scale [13].O nly recently Oxley's group [ 14] has devisedat wo step method to destruct TATP by moistening the material with an alcoholic solution followed by additiono fa nacid. The procedure was reported to completely hydrolyze TATP within 0.5 h.We aimed to developageneral method to stabilize and desensitize various explosives with an emphasis on peroxide materials. The application should be with minimal material manipulations (e.g. transferring, stirring, heating etc.), and preferably ap hysical method with little as possible heat production, obviatingt he necessity for reliable preliminary identificationw hen using material-tailored methods. We have envisionedt hat gelation of al iquid medium [a] A.Abst...