Mussel-inspired polydopamine (PDA) deposition offers ap romising route to fabricate multifunctional coatings for various materials.H owever,P DA deposition is generally at ime-consuming process,a nd PDAc oatings are unstable in acidic and alkaline media, as well as in polar organic solvents. We report astrategy to realize the rapid deposition of PDAby using CuSO 4 /H 2 O 2 as atrigger.Compared to the conventional processes,o ur strategy shows the fastest deposition rate reported to date,and the PDAcoatings exhibit high uniformity and enhanced stability.F urthermore,t he PDA-coated porous membranes have excellent hydrophilicity,anti-oxidant properties,a nd antibacterial performance.T his work demonstrates auseful method for the environmentally friendly,cost-effective, and time-saving fabrication of PDAc oatings.