The scientific literature presents quite a large number of works, in which the priority role of mathematical modeling in providing high-quality medical care, health and active longevity of a person is determined. The purpose of the work is to construct and analyze the regression models of individual sonographic sizes of kidneys in practically healthy women of the middle intermediate somatotype, depending on the features of the anthropometric and somatotypological indicators. Within the framework of the agreement on scientific cooperation from the database of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya primary sonographic parameters (length, width, anterior-posterior dimension, area of longitudinal and cross-section of the kidneys and their sinuses, as well as volume of the right and left kidneys) and anthropometric indices (obtained by the method of V.V. Bunak in the modification of P.P. Shaparenko) of 17 practically healthy women of the first mature age of the middle intermediate somatotype, who in the third generation live in the Podillya region of Ukraine. The construction of regression models of individual sonographic sizes of the kidneys, depending on the features of anthropo-somatotypological parameters of the body of women of the middle intermediate somatotype, was carried out in the licensed package “Statistica 6.1”. In women of the middle intermediate somatotype all 16 possible reliable regression models of sonographic parameters of the kidneys were constructed depending on the anthropo-somatotypological parameters with the determination coefficient R2 from 0.891 to 0.978. The analysis of reliable regression models (with a coefficient of determination greater than 0.6), the sonographic parameters of the kidneys in practically healthy women of the middle intermediate somatotype revealed that most often models of both kidneys, as well as separately of the right and left kidneys, include the circumferential dimensions of the body (respectively, 35.9 – 33.3 – 38.5% of the total number of indicators included in the models). In addition, models of both kidneys most often include cephalometric indices (12.6%), thickness of skin-fat folds and body diameters (by 11.7%); models of the right kidney – body diameters (15.7%), cephalometric indices and width of distal epiphyses of long tubular bones of extremities (by 11.8%); models of the right kidney - the thickness of skin and fat folds (17.3%) and cephalometric indices (13.5%). Attention is drawn to the lack of entry into models of sonographic sizes of kidneys total body sizes.