with the use of existing acidulants leads to a rapid staling of the finished products [6].A relevant direction to solve the task of preservation of freshness of rye-wheat bread, which is made by the accelerated technology, is the development of new multicomponent acidulants (MCA). It is expedient to produce such acidulants using organic acids, enzymatic preparations, and nutritional supplements.
Literature review and problem statementBread staleness is a result of complex physical, chemical, colloidal, and biochemical processes. Freshly baked products have a distinct taste and flavor, crunchy crust, elastic crumb [7]. During storage, products lose their flavor, crust -its friability, and crumb -its elasticity [8].It is known that bread staleness is associated with the aging of pasteurized starch and denatured proteins, as well
IntroductionThe modern concept of development of mini enterprises and restaurant facilities requires an improvement of methods for producing daily-use products [1] from technologists. Except for a general simplification and cheapening of the technology, a producer seeks to obtain products that meet the principles of rational nutrition and products that have specialized or dietary properties. One of such products is the rye-wheat bread [2]. According to the latest marketing research, it was found that about 30 % of consumers prefer rye-wheat bread types. This fact confirms the expediency of improvement of technology of the given product [3].Traditional technologies of rye-wheat bread are long-lasting and involve the use of dense or liquid rye ferments [4]. The improvement of production of such bread for small businesses and restaurants involves a reduction in the technological process through the use of multicomponent acidulants [5]. Shortening of bread technology
INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF MULTICOMPONENT ACIDULANTS ON THE PRESERVATION OF FRESHNESS AND AROMA OF RYE-WHEAT BREAD T . S y l c h u kPhD, Associate Professor Department of hotel-restaurant business** E-mail: tsnuft@gmail.com
O . B i l y kPhD, Associate Professor* E-mail: bilyklena@gmail.com
V . K o v b a s aDoctor of Technical Sciences, Professor* Е-mail: kovbasavm19091@ukr.net
V . Z u i k oAssistant Department of restaurant and aurvedens technology** E-mail: virazuiko@gmail.com *Department of Bakery and Confectionary Goods Technology** **National University of Food Technologies Volodymyrska str., 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601Для виробництва житньо-пшенич-ного хліба на міні підприємствах та в закладах ресторанного господарства запропоновано прискорену технологію його виготовлення шляхом використан-ня підкислювачів. Розроблено полікомпо-нентні підкислювачі «Оптимальний 1» та «Оптимальний 2». Їх оптимальне дозування, 2 % до маси борошна, спри-яє скороченню технологічного процесу у 2,5…3 рази та забезпечує збереження сві-жості готових виробів Ключові слова: підкислювач, жит-ньо-пшеничний хліб, черствіння, ретро-градація крохмалю, харчові добавки, органічні кислоти Для производства ржано-пшени...