Sco X-1 has been the subject of many multi-wavelength studies in the past, being the brightest persistent extra-solar X-ray source ever observed. Here we revisit Sco X-1 with simultaneous short cadence Kepler optical photometry and MAXI X-ray photometry over a 78 day period, as well as optical spectroscopy obtained with HERMES. We find Sco X-1 to be highly variable in all our datasets. The optical fluxes are clearly bimodal, implying the system can be found in two distinct optical states. These states are generally associated with the known flaring/normal branch X-ray states, although the flux distributions associated with these states overlap. Furthermore, we find that the optical power spectrum of Sco X-1 differs substantially between optical luminosity states. Additionally we find rms-flux relations in both optical states, but only find a linear relation during periods of low optical luminosity. The full optical/X-ray discrete correlation function displays a broad ≈ 12.5 hour optical lag. However during the normal branch phase the X-ray and optical fluxes are anti-correlated, whilst being correlated during the flaring branch. We also performed a Cepstrum analysis on the full Kepler light curve to determine the presence of any echoes within the optical light curve alone. We find significant echo signals, consistent with the optical lags found using the discrete cross-correlation. We speculate that whilst some of the driving X-ray emission is reflected by the disk, some is absorbed and re-processed on the thermal timescale, giving rise to both the observed optical lags and optical echoes.