The metallation of nucleic acids is key to wideranginga pplications, from anticancer medicine to nanomaterials, yet there is al ack of understanding of the molecularlevel effects of metallation. Here, we apply single-molecule fluorescence methods to study the reactiono fa no rganoosmiuma nticancer complex and DNA. Individual metallated DNA hairpins are characterisedu sing Fçrster resonance energy transfer( FRET). Althoughe nsemblem easurements suggest as imple two-states ystem, single-molecule experi-mentsr eveal an underlying heterogeneity in the oligonucleotide dynamics, attributable to different degrees of metallation of the GC-rich hairpin stem. Metallated hairpins display fast two-state transitionsw ith at wo-foldi ncrease in the openingr ate to % 2s À1 ,r elative to the unmodified hairpin, and relativelys tatic conformationswith long-lived open (and closed) stateso f5to ! 50 s. These studies show that a single-molecule approach can providen ew insighti nto metallation-induced changes in DNA structure and dynamics.