Objective. To analyze tactical approaches and types of surgical interventions for post-traumatic deformity of the spine. Material and Methods. Study design: retrospective monocentric cohort study. The study included 116 patients: Group 1 consisted of 50 patients with primary post-traumatic deformities, and Group 2 of 66 patients with secondary deformities after previously performed decompression and stabilization surgery who were admitted for revision interventions. The average age of patients was 42.1 ± 11.6 years, the long-term follow-up period varied from 2 to 60 months (16.6 ± 10.2). Methods used in the study were clinical (neurological status, ASIA, VAS) one, evaluation of treatment results according to MacNub scale, radiography, CT, radiometry (local kyphosis according to Cobb, Surgimap Spine), MRI, and statistical methods. Results. The follow-up period of Group 1 patients was 31.3 ± 28.1 months, of Group 2 patients-60.3 ± 48.1 months. Injuries were predominantly localized at the level of the thoracolumbar junction. In Group 2, more severe neurological disorders (ASIA) prevailed. All patients underwent primary or revision transpedicular fixation and Schwab vertebrotomy variants through posterior approach. The follow-Цель исследования. Анализ тактических подходов и видов оперативных вмешательств при посттравматических деформациях позвоночника. Материал и методы. Дизайн исследования: ретроспективная моноцентровая когорта. В исследование включено 116 пациентов: 1-я группа-50 больных с первичными посттравматическими деформациями, 2-я группа-66 больных со вторичными деформациями на фоне ранее выполненных декомпрессивно-стабилизирующих операций, госпитализированных для ревизионных вмеша