Steroids and Ceramide from the Stem Bark of Odyendyea gabonensis. -Two new steroids (I) and (II) and one new ceramide (III) are isolated from the methylene chloride extract of the stem bark of Odyendyea gabonensis together with 11 known compounds. -(HAPPI*, E. N.; FANNANG, S. V.; FOMANI, M.; DONKWE, S. M. M.; NICAISE, N. Y. C.; WANSI, J. D.; SEWALD, N.; Z. Naturforsch., B: Chem. Sci. 68b (2013) 8, 924-930, ; Dep. Chem., Fac. Sci., Univ. Douala, Douala, Cameroon; Eng.) -M. Bohle 50-208