The chemistry of a belt-shaped cyclic array of aromatic panels, a socalled "nanohoop," has increasingly attracted much interest, partly because it serves as a segmental model of single-wall carbon nanotubes with curved sp 2 -carbon networks. Although the unique molecular structure of nanohoops is expected to deepen our understanding in curved π-systems, its structural chemistry is still in its infancy despite structural variants rapidly accumulated over the past several years. For instance, structural characteristics that endow the belt shapes with rigidity, an important structural feature relevant to carbon nanotubes, have not been clarified to date. We herein report the synthesis and structures of a series of belt-shaped cyclonaphthylenes. Random synthesis methods using three precursor units with different numbers of naphthylene panels allowed us to prepare 6 congeners consisting of 6 to 11 naphthylene panels, and relationships between the rigidity and the panel numbers, i.e., molecular structures, were investigated. Fundamental yet complicated stereoisomerism in the belt-shaped structures was disclosed by mathematical methods, and dynamics in the panel rotation was revealed by dynamic NMR studies with the aid of theoretical calculations.T he chemistry of hoop-shaped cycloarylenes (nanohoops) is being enriched by increasing variations in the molecular structures (1-4). The structural diversity in the constitutional arylene panels has gradually increased by starting from cyclopara-phenylenes (CPP; Fig. 1) with the most primordial panel being benzene (5-7), and the nanohoop chemistry is deepening our understanding of π-conjugated structures with belt-shaped, curved sp 2 -carbon networks that mimic single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) (8).Composed of arylene panels connected via multiple singlebond linkages, the belt-shaped nanohoop structures pose a fundamental and important question related to the isomerism and persistency of the curved sp 2 -carbon networks (8). Previously, we synthesized the first, to our knowledge, belt-persistent nanohoops to demonstrate that large arylene panels, such as chrysene and anthanthrene, endowed the nanohoop molecules with belt persistency. The belt-shaped atropisomers of [4]cyclochrysenylenes ([4]CC) (9, 10) and [4]cycloanthanthrenylenes ([4]CA) (11) were separated and identified as discrete molecular entities (Fig. 1), and the atropisomerism uniquely originated from restricted sp 2 -sp 2 rotations due to macrocyclic ring strain (12). However, the experimental relationship between the structure and dynamics of the arylene rotations in the nanohoops remains unclear (13-16) and will add novel insight to biaryl atropisomerism with structural and historical importance (17-20). We herein report our first attempt to reveal the structure-dynamics relationship in belt-shaped nanohoop molecules via the synthesis of a series of [n]cyclo-amphi-naphthylenes ([n]CaNAP, n = 6-11; Fig. 1) (21). Albeit simple at first glance, the molecular structures were rich in structural chemistry including ...