SUMMARY.Spores of Glomus macrocarpum Tul. & Tul. were sieved from a calcareous, silty clay loam soil, washed in sterile water, and plated on chitin agar for the isolation of actinomycetes. Of the 190 spores examined, 100 were colonized by one or more chitin-decomposing microorganisms: 82"/,, were colonized by actinomycetes, 17% by bacteria, and 1 "o hy fungi. Fifty-otie actitiomycete isolates were classified on the basis of morphological, cultural and biochemical criteria. Tentative identifications to genera and nun-ibers of different isolates are as follows:Streptomvces (29); Nocardia (3); Streptosporangium (1); Strcptovcrticillium (1); Intrasporangium (1); Nocardiodes (1); anci unidentified (15). This is the fit-st study to report the prevalence and diversity of chitin-decotnposing actinomycetes associated with spores of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in field soil.