A maximum e ciency of 17% for ultra-thin n-type AZO layer and 17.5% for ultra-thin n-type TiO 2 layer based silicon heterojunction solar cell is reported by optimizing its properties which is much higher than practically obtained e ciency signifying a lot of improvements can be performed to improve e ciency of TiO 2 /Si and AZO/Si heterojunction solar cell. AZO layer and TiO 2 layer is used as n-type emitter layer and crystalline silicon wafer is used as p-type (p-cSi) layer for modelling AZO/Si and TiO 2 /Si heterojunctions solar cell respectively using AFORS HET automat simulation software. Various parameters like thickness of AZO, TiO 2 layer, p-cSi layer, doping concentration of donors (Nd) and effective conduction band density (Nc) are optimized. Finally, texturing at different angle is studied and maximum e ciency is reported at 70 µm thick p-type crystalline Silicon (p-cSi) wafer, that can be very helpful for manufacturing low cost HJ solar cells at industrial scale because of thin wafer and removal of additional processing setup required for deposition of amorphous silicon i-layer. Utilization of TiO 2 and Aluminium doped Zinc Oxide as n-type layer and p-cSi as p-type layer can help in producing low cost and e cient heterojunction (HJ) than compared to HJ with intrinsic thin layer HIT solar cells.