The structure of the deformed, doubly odd nuclide 180 Re has been studied by γ -ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy using the 174 Yb( 11 B,5n) reaction with a pulsed 71 MeV beam of 11 B ions. Several of the previously known intrinsic states have been given revised spin and parity assignments. Rotational bands are observed with K π = (4 + ), (5 − ), (7 + ), 8 + , 9 − , 13 + , 14 − , 15 − , 16 + , 21 − , and (22 + ). Among these, a four-quasiparticle t band is identified, which is already energetically favored at its bandhead compared to the corresponding two-quasiparticle band; and two six-quasiparticle bands are identified and associated with a τ = 13 µs isomer. The observed structures, including g factors and alignments, are interpreted with the aid of Nilsson-plus-BCS calculations and configuration-constrained potential energy surface calculations. Reduced-hindrance values are obtained for K-forbidden transitions, illustrating the important role of the K quantum number for near-yrast isomers.