We investigate the penetration threshold of the RMP (Resonant Magnetic Perturbation) by the external coils in the LHD (Large Helical Device) for the various plasma aspect ratio configurations. The qualitative dependence on the collisionality is opposite to that in a high plasma aspect configuration, which is a quite unique property, and it is first found in the LHD. We also investigate the threshold dependence on the ion species, and find that the threshold in the deuterium discharges is quite smaller than that in the hydrogen discharges. In all of the cases, the thresholds are higher as the poloidal rotation is faster, which shows that the poloidal rotation is the dominant driver to the RMP threshold. It is qualitatively consistent with the torque balance model between the electro-magnetic and the poloidal viscous torque. In a configuration of the LHD, the threshold dependence on the density is qualitatively similar with that in Ohmic tokamak plasmas, but the beta dependence is opposite to that of the tokamaks. The difference would come from the cause of the viscous torque.