language have a central role in social intelectual development and emotional of the students. language learning expected help students know theirself, their culture and different culture. The aims of this study is to analyze the social values contained in the KKN film in Dancer Village and its implementation in Indonesian language learning. The type of research used is qualitative. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. The data analysis technique is done by watching the movie scene, coding, description, interpretation, and conclusion. The results of this study, there are negative and positive impacts. The positive impact on the KKN film in Penari Village found eight social values including mutual help, kinship, caring, responsibility, discipline, tolerance, religious values and mutual cooperation. While the negative impact as learning in the future, that actions or behaviors that are not good, are not to be imitated. As for the implementation of Indonesian Language and Literature learning at SMAN 1 Gerung, it is expected that students have knowledge of social values and foster creativity and student interest in studying literature, so as to develop students' sensitivity to social values. This is in accordance with the basic competence of identifying content and language in literary works.