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ABSTRACTPurpose: To review the scientific production on organizational learning, which made use of the practice-based studies approach, concerning the production evolution, the author's profile, methodological characteristics, and correlated themes. Originality/value: Organizational learning presents gaps regarding contributions from other areas, such as Sociology. Practice Based Studies (PBS) have the sociological bias and the social space as a locus of learning processes and knowledge generation. No studies have been identified that review the national scientific production on organizational learning in the PBS context, reinforcing the potential contributions of this work. Design/methodology/approach: The research covered the papers available in Spell's database and in Capes Journals Portal, published until 2017, 42 in total. Those were systematically reviewed in a qualitative approach. Ucinet6 and NetDraw software were also used in the analysis. Findings: The publications are recent and focus on journals of national and international impact. The authorship is under responsibility of small groups, evidencing a partnership among the authors. The number of theoretical papers and the relevance of their contributions are significant. As for the empirical studies, there is a predominance of case study and interview. As to the themes, topics relevant to the PBS theoretical-methodological proposal are discussed. It was concluded that PBS, by taking the practices inserted in the context of organizations as a locus of learning study, reveal a potential to fill gaps in the traditional organizational learning perspective.
KEyWORDSOrganizational learning. Sociological perspective. Practice-based studies. Systematic review. Epistemology. Accounting, and Tourism, but this journal is classified in other areas of knowledge, such as Interdisciplinary, with B2 level.