The article presents experimental material on the study of the seeding rate for various nutrition backgrounds on the development of spring soft wheat and spelt wheat, the nature of stem formation, which has an important effect on the formation of grain yield. The purpose of this work is to study the reaction of spring wheat species to the level of application of mineral fertilizers at different seeding rates in the conditions of gray forest soil of the Republic of Tatarstan. Field studies were carried out on the territory of Agrobiotechnopark LLC of the Kazan State Agrarian University. The material for research is spring soft wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties Ulyanovsk 105 and Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda and spelt wheat (Triticum dicoccum) varieties Srednevolzhskaya and Fleece. In 2022, meterological conditions during the growing season of spring wheat were characterized by sufficient soil moisture and temperature conditions. During the entire growing season of spring wheat, 158.9 precipitation fell (GTK-1.35). The formation of the agrocenosis of spring wheat species is mainly determined by seeding rates, as well as field germination and biological resistance of plants during the growing season. At both nutrition levels, as the seeding rate increases from 4 to 7 million germinating seeds per 1 ha, the number of seedlings of both soft and spelt wheat increases. On control (natural background) soft wheat varieties Ulyanovsk 105 from 347 to 539 pcs / m2, fertilized version 344-534 pcs / m2, Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda 340-528 pcs / m2 and 336-522 pcs / m2, respectively, fertilization increased the yield of both types of wheat at all seeding rates: soft wheat varieties Ulyanovsk 105 at 4 million 0.93 tons, 5 million - 1.15 tons, 6 million - 1.17 tons and 7 million - 1.16 tons per ha. Varieties Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda 1.08; 1.1, 1.1; and 1.15 t/ha, respectively. Spelt wheat of the Srednevolzhskaya variety has 0.14; 0.34; 0.45 and 0.3 t/ha per ha. Fleece 0.37; 0.23; 0.22 and 0.35 t / ha, respectively. The highest yield of both types of spring wheat for the studied varieties in the growing season of 2022 was formed both on the control and on the fertilized version of the experiment when sowing 5 million. germinating seeds per 1 hectare.