“…3) Gas exchange in tissues SvO2 ↑, BE ↑, PvO2 ↑, avSO2 ↓, avPO2 ↓ lactate/pyruvate ↑. At the same time the pressure/volume loop of the trachea is also considered which are presented in 4 types (cucumber, pod, pear, tomato) which means that the more the loop surface is expanded the more the respiratory pattern as well as the definition of the dynamic (Cdyn) and statistical (Cst) compliance confirming damage to the respiratory organs aggravating Mitochondrial Collapse Microcirculatory Mitochondrial Distress Syndrome and Recruitment of Microcirculatory-Mitochondrial in such cases are supplimented with MOST therapy in the EXTRACORPOREAL Life Support Organization (ELSO) with active detoxification methods:1) Alveolar recruitment with respiratory support in special modes of ventilation mainly APRV with permissive hypercapnia at normal pH, 2) Recruitment of Microcirculatory-Mitochondrial (RMM), 3) MOST Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) extracorporeal oxygenation ECMO and CO2 elimination by type ECCO2R [74], 4) Active detoxification methods intra and extracorporeal electrochemical ultraviolet (laser) photomodulation of auto blood ultra diafiltration continuous intermittent filtering, hemodialysis, bioimmunoactivation and biodetoxification through the use of extracorporeal bio xenoperfusion (myelo-timospleen), enterosorption, volnerosorption, plasma sorption, plasma exchange, lympho sorption, liquoro sorption, peritoneal dialysis, oxygenation of the liver through the bougienized umbilical vein, hypothermia and others [33,[35][36][37][38][93][94][95][96]107] 5) Modeling of the index of extravascular pulmonary fluid (EVLWI). If EVLWI is <10 mL/kg this indicates alveolar atelectasis, which requires volemic resuscitation, bronchoscopy, alveolar recruitment, and surfactant therapy.…”