The purpose of this study is to find a general description of mahfudzat book, the core or content of Islamic education contained in mahfudzat and values contained in mahfudzat based on the Islamic perspective. The methods used are library research, and qualitative type, the approach used content analysis, descriptive, inductive, normative, and literature genetic structuralism approach. The general description of mahfudzat book includes several remarks of the Prophet, Companions of the Prophet, verses of wisdom, and ulama's guidance and poets. The discussion began with a general theme of advice for teachers, various Arabic proverbs, its principles, and closed with practice exercises. The core of the book discussion consists of three chapters. The first is about education, the second is about manners, the third is about social ethics. The total number of mahfudzat in this book is ninety two proverbs. While the Islamic values education contains five aspects of education, namely aqidah (creed) education, knowledge, amaliyah (deeds), morals, and social. Applications. This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students as a reference and textbook in learning. The contribution of this study resulted in finding five values education, namely aqidah (creed) education aims to nurture human beings always to strengthen faith and purify their souls. Science education, to uphold human dignity. Amaliyah (deeds) education aims to teach human beings to behave and think positively. Moral education to guide human beings to be patient and humble and social education aims to educate human beings to establish communication among others.