Information about the survey and the participantsThe process of the surveys is illustrated in Fig. 1. The response rate of the first survey was 120 out of 360, i.e. 33%, and it was targeting members of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Swedish Chemical Society. The follow-up survey was sent to the same group and had a response rate of 50 out of 360, i.e. 14%, while survey 3 targeted chemists in all other divisions of the Swedish Chemical Society.Here the response rate was merely 121 out of ca. 2000, i.e. 6%. The surveys were done using SurveyMonkey®, and all answers are anonymous. Post-editing was only done to remove obvious duplicates. Data is presented as "all" (includes all responses), "university" (those affiliated with a university), and "industry" (those employed by an industry). Some answers were from "research institute", "retired", and "other". These are included in the "all" category. All raw data from the surveys are available upon request, either from the authors or from the Swedish Chemical Society.